The Culture of SHI

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Year after year, employees cite “culture” as one of the top 2-3 reasons why they first joined and choose to remain at SHI. But when asked to describe SHI’s culture, they often struggle to put it into words…for all the right reasons!

SHI’s culture cannot be easily described. But when a company’s culture is right, it is readily felt, respected and maintained because it has become both priority and second nature.

Thirty years after outgrowing our “start-up” phase, SHI’s employees have never lost the respect, enthusiasm and teamwork forged by that new company. The feeling that every employee’s diverse ideas, backgrounds and unique perspectives make the whole greater than the sum of its parts has traveled well - recreated in Austin, the UK and every SHI office around the world.

If that sounds like the right place for you…keep reading…we’ll try and describe what it’s like!

Employee Smiling and Working
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel"

- Maya Angelou

SHI’s Culture Can Be Seen…

Employees Jumping in the Air

In How We Work

The slogan “Be Ridiculously Helpful” is often seen and heard in and around SHI - even if we’ve forgotten who said it first! The phrase “stuck” because it encapsulates our attitude towards how we treat customers, partners, and coworkers around the world. While it might be obvious and easy to practice when serving customers, SHI’s ridiculously contagious collaboration environment starts the minute you meet the other members of your training class and stays with you throughout your time at SHI!

Employees Standing in Front of Food Bank Truck

Where We Play

In places where SHI has a larger physical presence (Central New Jersey, Austin, TX, Milton Keynes, UK) it’s almost guaranteed some sort of after-hours hangout involving SHI employees is taking place. Whether it’s onsite at the basketball and volleyball courts or softball fields of Somerset, the gym at Garza Ranch or the pub down the street in Milton Keynes, the friendships made in the SHI workplace continue voluntarily after the workday ends.

Employees Playing Tug of War

In Our Communities

Being “ridiculously helpful” cannot be turned off. Whether it’s within their own local communities - like teams working shifts in the Texas Foodbank or building homes with organizations like Habitat for Humanity, responding to global events by organizing blood drives, or holding fundraisers for organizations like the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Willen Hospice, SHI employees are always the first to lend their enthusiasm, time and resources where and when help is needed.

Employees smiling on Hike

When We Unplug

ALL 6,000 SHI employees have one thing in common: each of them has a life outside of work! While some head for the softball field, others have pickup duty at daycare. Some employees might be the primary care-giver to a family member in need while others are headed for class, working towards their next degree. SHI’s managers are directed to make the effort to understand the unique priorities of their employees and do what they can to help support a healthy work-life balance.

Explore your career opportunities at SHI

Working at SHI is more than just a chance to work for one of the world’s largest and ever-evolving IT providers. It’s an opportunity to be part of a ridiculously helpful community of 6,000 teammates working together to provide an exceptional value, experience and service to customers, employees and those needing expertise and assistance around the world. Check out our available positions and let us know where we could benefit from your unique talents and perspective today!

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